Saturday, March 7, 2009

Class Test

The day before my class test 1 , my mother gave me a lot of homework to do. She wants me to get good marks for my test. I had to sleep late because I cannot finish my homework. When my mother brought me to school , she was very nagging and it gets on my nerves.

On the day when I had my test , I was very nervous. I did not know that if the test was easy or difficult. After all the test , I think that math is the easiest subject.


  1. Grace, mommy and daddy are very pleased with your results. Keep it up! Remeber your goals that you have set beginning of the year, you need to work extra hard to achieve it. :)

  2. laugh out loud (lol) your mom and dad got blog???

  3. grace,weija here.
    why you think maths is the easy subject?
    i hate the maths the most!
